sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010

Don't Write In Starlight

"Don't write in starlight, 'cause the words may come out real" is a verse of one of my favorite songs, "Don't talk to strangers", from R. J. Dio.

Before the earthquake, I remember I went out in a new moon or maybe not exactly a new moon, but the idea is to do this with little moon and under the light of the stars. Later, not sure when, I started a whole thread in the exchange section but never got any feedback. For me, it worked as a charm. I got what I asked for, and how the cards suggested. Be careful what you wish for.

The Spread: You write a desire. A desire knowing it may come out real. Write a simple sentence of your desire, and also 3 words which must have a strong meaning for your desire. They will represent the main characteristic of your desire.


Then, you pull 3 cards and read them. They will give you an idea of how will your desire turn out (if so...) You will need to read them very intuitively, each reader will find out.

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